Workflow and Service Automation Platform
WASP enables fast automation of processes, whether it is an internal process or orchestration of distributed activities in the supply chain.
Orchestrate activities at the level of company of supply chain
Model processes by interlinking different activities on an intuitive web-based interface. Associate activities with automated services or manual human activities where data can be exchanged between the two. Execute several processes or multiple instance of the same process at any one time
Live quality monitoring of processes and services
Get live updates on process status and the monitor the orderly execution of different activities in each running process. WASP allows you to grow your processes vertically by aggregating processes within processes, and horizontally by connecting them to processes at different organisations.
Coordination of Supply Chain Activities through WASP
Companies such as LAGRAMA, a furniture manufacturing company in Spain, are interested in using WASP to get better visibility into their supply chain activities. The supply chain processes involve interconnectivity of different (automated and manual) activities performed at partner facilities. These activities can be modelled in WASP and connected with web-services and user interfaces to get real-time visibility into the supply chain. This visibility can allow LAGRAMA in early identification of risks and making adjustments in the various activities to minimise the impact of risks. WASP is also considered as a suitable solution to provide real-time updates to customers about the status of their orders.
​WASP Solutions