Your Questions Answered
Here are some of the questions that Open Call applicants have asked us and the responses we provided. The questions and answers are grouped by theme.
About My Project
Question: We would like to kindly ask you if [my idea / my product or service] could be a suitable asset to be integrated and validated within the EFPF platform.
Answer: Unfortunately, we are unable to comment on individual proposal ideas. However, EFPF will be holding a number of webinars during the submission period, which will provide an opportunity for you to interact with the EFPF technical team, who will be able to address simple queries of a technical nature. The Webinars are scheduled for:
1. Weds 25th Nov 2020 11:00 CET
2. Weds 13th Jan 2021 15:00 CET
3. Mon 1st Feb 2021 11:00 CET
Further details will be provided on the website in the coming weeks (2021 dates may be subject to change).
Question: Can you please clarify whether large enterprises (as defined in EU Law) are eligible for the Call?
Answer: There is no restriction on company size for applications. However, the EC and EFPF priorities are for funding mainly (but not exclusively) SMEs. You may prefer to partner with an SME manufacturer and apply as a consortium (Type 2 sub-projects only). If you prefer to apply as a single applicant, a high-quality application for a well-aligned sub-project will be evaluated exactly as an application from an SME (i.e. without any bias or negative scoring relating to being a Large company).
Question: Can consortium partners be from the same country or do they have to be transnational?
Answer: Consortium partners can be from the same or from different (H2020 eligible) countries, there is no restriction.
Question: Is the funding for research centres the same as other H2020 projects?
Answer: Yes. Funding is provided at 70% of costs for profit organisations and 100% of costs for non-profit organisations as is normal for H2020 Innovation Actions.
Question: In the applications with two partners, the maximum funding is 100k€. Is it 100k€ per partner or for the total project?
Answer: The funding is 100k€ in total (not per partner).
Question: What are the eligibility rules for proposals that wish to sub-contract?
Answer: Sub-contracting is allowed subject to the following:
The subcontractor is named in the proposal;
The reason for subcontracting is compelling, meets normal H2020 rules and is justified in the proposal (e.g. why a subcontractor is needed; what role the subcontractor will have);
No member of the EFPF consortium, nor any organisation with formal business ties to any EFPF member (e.g. a wholly or part-owned subsidiary, parent, sister or affiliated business), is named as a sub-contractor;
The sub-contractor will not be the core of the sub-project (e.g. will receive no more than a maximum of 20% of the total budget).
Question: We have read the Guide for Applicants (page 10), 3.2 Obligations, where it says:
“Reports on Sub-project results and outcomes (in the form of the Milestone 3 deliverable report – see Section 6) must be provided free of charge to anyone for one year after the end of the EFPF project available on the EFPF platform”.
Could you please tell us if this means that the beneficiary (SME) should offer openly to anyone (for instance via the EFPF project website) the business plan, documentation with the results of technical work and the final demo?
Answer: To clarify, we can confirm that only non-confidential results, such as a summary of the project and other communication elements (videos, diagrams or infographics of the solution, etc.) would be expected to be made public for one year.
Question: Once registered, I cannot fill in the forms without creating a team, but it seems this ‘creating a team’ steps are for startups and this is not our case
Answer: The F6S platform defaults to 'team' and 'start-up', the only type of profile applicants can create is a startup profile, so there's, unfortunately, no way of changing that. We suggest the applicant to specify that their company is an SME in the tagline of the company profile. People need to "create a team" in order to apply - meaning create a "startup profile". Since "startup" is the wording F6S use for "companies" in a general sense. "People" as is cannot apply to the program, they need to create a startup (or what F6S call a "team")."